Thursday, December 28, 2006

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle

So, do you think burning the fat off your body and looking your best is important?

Let me tell you it is not all that important.

People spend way too much time on how they look.

The focus should be on being healthy.

However, the two are not mutually exclusive.

Yet, it is the focus of the person that matters.

If you just want to have a better appearance, it might be worthwhile to think
about what that means from an overall and greater perspective.

Think long term, think about your health and well-being.

Don't just lose weight to look good, lose it only if it is affecting your health.

You can read an evaluation of burn the fat, feed the muscle here:

In it you will find out how it can help you. But, you don't need the book.

However, I know that there are people who will get it anyway, even though
it isn't all that necessary.

Despite that, it is the most complete work I know of on how to correctly lose weight (fat)
and keep it off.

Also of interest is an 8 point free plan that can help you on your quest to lose weight.

Here is a free weight loss email list you can join as well.

Best wishes in your quest to lose weight. You can do it if you really want to.

But first, ask yourself if it is really what you want. Second, ask yourself if it is something you really need.

If the answer is no, then forget about it and move on to something more worthwhile and rewarding, like working on that golf swing or power shopping.

Above all, be kind to others (and yourself). Be tolerant of those who don't treat you well (they are mentally anguished) and always tell the truth.

Truth- Compassion -Tolerance ---- follow those and you'll be happier! - you can read, Zhuan Falun for a deeper understanding.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Diet Supplements are they necessary?

The answer is NO!

You don't need diet supplements for weight loss.

I answer this question pretty thoroughly here:

But, alas, despite my best efforts, there are going to be people who insist on
knowning more about diet supplements.

With reluctance, I will tell you that this: [AFF] - is the most complete resource for diet supplement information that I'm aware of.

But seriously, you don't need it.

Instead, you can read my free 8 point simple plan for weight loss.

To reinforce what I stated earlier, you don't need diet supplements to lose weight.

Here is an example [aff]of a diet supplement that you don't need.

One major drawback to using diet supplements is that you have to keep buying them and using them. It is much better to understand the free principles of weight loss and utilize the knowledge for a lifetime.

But, I know from years of experience that people won't always listen. And that's ok with me.

I'm the same way myself. I like to experiment and find out for myself. (some people call that the hard way :)

Ah well, happy weight loss anyways!

- D

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ask Dave About Health

Now you can have your questions about health, fitness or wellness answered at

If you have a question you can simply submit it at Ask Dave about Health and watch the answer show up at

Some questions that were recently answered:

Is Echinacea Good for Colds and Flu ?

What Causes Regression in Potty Training ?

What Do You Think of All-Meat, No-Carb diets. ?

Table Salt and Substitute Salt, What is the Difference ?

....... And many more.

If you have a question, just ask Dave about health

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Don't Get a Hydrofloss? - Rubbish

My dentist actually discouraged me from purchasing a Hydrfloss.

I did it anyway .

Read the rest of the story here.

The Hydrofloss is a very useful tool for dental health.

I've written quite a bit about the Hydrofloss, you can
find some links to what I've written here.

What does it look like?

Hydrofloss Picture These babies go for about 129$ on the website.

You can get here for 99$ along with a special bonus.

Be sure to read the article called:

Can bleeding gums kill you on the above page.

- Dave

Get herbal remedies

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Boost your Immune System

Remember you last cold or flu?

Not very fun was it.

Think that boosting your immunity around this time of year might be a good idea?

hmmmmmmmm...... Could be?

Take a look at this resource that offers some tips for boosting immunity.


The mouth can sometimes be a gateway to the blood stream and infection getting to other parts of the body.

Learn how to defeat the bad bacteria while still in the mouth:


pick up some herabal remedies by visiting the bottom of this page.

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

HIV and AIDS Resources

There was a man who was sick at home and dying of AIDS.

His friends were very sad and wanted to cheer him up and show him how much he was loved before he died. So the found someone who did comedy skits.

This gentelman that did the comedy skit was the one who told this story.

He said they hired him to do a show at the home of the man who was dying. Apparently the dying man was a big fan, so he was delighted to get a private showing.

In fact the man was so happy that everyone nearby started crying.

He died shortly thereafter.

Choose life. Here are some helpful resources:

HIV and AIDS Resource Page

HIV and AIDS Phone numbers

AIDS and HIV hotline number

HIV - How does it happen?

Choose life, read this book:

Choose Life, Read Zhuan Falun

This is a book of life.

It gives and gives and gives.

Zhuan Falun helps you to grow, it expands your horizons.

It brings peace to the individual who chooses to learn it.

Choose life. Read this book.

Comments below!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Health and Remedy Resources for a Happier Life

So What's New? Lots!

Imagine finding a place where you can find incredible resources related to health, fitness, wellness and of course, remedies!

You can find such a place at To Be Informed about health, fitness and wellness.

Health Articles

Alcohol Treatment Center List

Fibromyalgia Articles

Drug Treatment Center list

Stair lifts for the handicapped

Get More out of your sleep!

Forums on Health

Bad Breath Resource Center

- By the way, you can download your FREE copy of a book on BAD BREATH and GETTING Rid of it.

LASIK eye surgery.

Breast Cancer

Weathering Colic for Parents

What can speed the healing of surface level injures?

Friday, September 15, 2006

Gingivitis Page updated

There are fresh updates to this page on gingivitis

Sign up to get free reports on gingivitis here.

Gingivitis is something that can become serious.
The gums are a pathway for bacteria to get in the body.

If you are able to control gingivitis you may be healthier in
the long run.

Research is indicating that the health of the gums may correlate
to the health of the body.

Take care of your gums today.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Breast Cancer - Helpful Resource

Here is a helpful breast cancer resource page.

There you will find useful resources including a cancer term dictionary,
links to breast cancer articles and another link to a breast cancer forum
where you can write about your breast cancer experiences or read
those of others.

If you have additional information to provide about breast cancer or want
to add a resource to the page, leave your comment on this blog.

This Breast Cancer Resource Page is to be a helpful resource for others, pass
it on to someone who might need it.

Let's work together to make a better, brighter and happier world!

- Dave

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Acne Articles

You can find a collection of articles about acne and what do do about it at All Things Pondered.

As mentioned before, there is also a new updated page on acne . This page has many information resources about acne on it. You should check it out if you or someone you love is suffering.

In the end, only the person with acne can decide what they are going to do about it. However, Giving people options is empowering.

There is probably no one acne treatment that works under all circumstances. Like most things in life, you strive to find something that works uniquely for you.

Yet, it is from pulling together information that gives us new ideas and helps us find what we are looking for - something that works for us as individuals.


Acne and other health updates.

This page on acne has recently been updated.

I've added a lot more references and articles for people to check out.

in addition:

You can find bunches of health related articles at this
article directory (hint- use the search function to find what
you are looking for - or scroll down to the health category!

Remember health is your most precious assett. Don't squander it!

The basics I follow:

Get mild exercise,
drink plenty of water,

In case you are wondering the exercise/meditation form that i use is awesome

If you are not already exercising before to check with your doctor before taking
up any new form of exercise!

- Dave

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Articles On Herpes

Herpes can be a most annoying, uncomfortable, painful and embarassing malady.

Arm yourself with knowledge by reading the articles below.

I've put the ones that boast of remedies first. :)

There is also a Forum for Herpes Sufferers

If you have herpes or know someone who does, please go to the forum and tell your
story so that others can learn, grow and have their worst fears alleviated.

Home Remedies For Fever Blisters

Fever Blister Attack: Ways To Avoid It Using Home Remedies

Be Herpes Free

Herpes Or Cold Sores - Which Is It?

Why Does Herpes Hurt So Much?

Causes Of Canker Sores

Herpes: How To Live With It

Fever Blister Attack: Ways To Avoid It Using Home Remedies

Hope this was helpful.

- Dave

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

ADHD and Attention Deficit Disorders

just updated a page on ADD and ADHD.

There are now more articles on ADHD than before.

Some of the subjects addressed are:

What is ADHD?

Nutrition and ADD/ADHD

ADD ADHD Herbal Remedy

Treating ADD and ADHD Naturally

ADD and ADHD in Children

ADHD the Easy Way!

Over The Counter Treatments For ADHD

Attention Deficit Disorder: Know The Facts

ADHD In Adults

Myths About Adult ADHD

School And A Child With ADHD

Learning Disabilities Associated With ADHD

Primary Symptoms Of ADHD

ADHD With Hyperactivity

Age When ADHD Is Diagnosed

And many more.... just visit the page on ADHD and ADD

Monday, August 14, 2006

Herpes Forum

Do you or does someone you know suffer from herpes?

You can bet that there are plenty of people out there who do.

As heartbreaking as it may sound, there are even very young
people who contract herpes after their very first sexual

The discussion forum for herpes is now open. Post
your thoughts there or read what others have written.

You can also check the article directory for articles on herpes.

- Dave

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hydrofloss revisited

If you don't have a hydrofloss yet and you are at all concerned about gingivitis or gum disease, and if you are aware of recent evidence that points to unhealthy gums leading to additional problems all over the body, then you owe it you yourself to learn about the hydrofloss.

I've given a description on how I use my hydrofloss here.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Do you have a hydrofloss?

Do you have a hydrofloss yet?

Just do a quick test to see what I mean. Run your tongue over
your teeth along the anterior (forward facing surfaces, like the front of your two front teeth) surfaces of your teeth. Check the sides too.

You may detect a kind of rough, textured feeling. When very clean your teeth should feel smooth, almost polished.

Due to the buildup of bacteria and plaque and stuff, it may feel rough.

Check out my page, "Hydrofloss Works" to learn more about this ingenious device.


Monday, July 17, 2006

Ance disappears after three days?

Is it really possible to get rid of acne in only three days?

Chris Gibson says it is.

Get rid of acne in only three days.

They say information is power.

I wonder if just a little more information is all one needs to get rid of acne?

Chris talks about his own suffering with acne for ten years.

To learn more about Chris' product, go to this page on acne.

Friday, July 14, 2006


Much has been written on the subject of detoxification, yet it seems that most people have no idea what it is.

Detoxification in simple terms is simply eliminating poisons or 'toxins' from your body.

There are a variety of methods that are used to do this. What method works best for you is between you and your doctor.

Be sure to check with your doctor before starting a detox program.

Check out what herbs or other substances may be used in the detox program that you choose.

Over time, the body may have ingested and STORED toxins in your body. They could be residing in your colon, fat tissue or virtually anywhere else in your body.

Detox programs are designed to help get some of those toxins out of the body. Some people have reported incredible results from detoxing. But the evidence is largely anecdotal - meaning that it is based more on collected experiences than scientific research.

That just means the scientific research hasn't been done yet. That could be because it is not a main topic of interest to researchers. Usually the place that funding comes from is a HEAVY influence on what gets researched and what does not.

Learn a little more about detoxification

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Healthy Eating

Here is a new twist for you.

You know you want to be a healthy eater, but how do you do it?

More importantly, how often do you do it?

Read this article on healthy eating to get some pointers.

Here are some more ideas on Healthy Recipes

“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”
--Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

- Dave

Getting Better Sleep

You know how important it is to get a good nights sleep!

Yet, not many people actually get one. And why is that?

Too wound up from the day? Too much caffeine,
Too wired from emotional trauma?

There are these and about a dozen or more other reasonw why you might not
be getting a good night's sleep.

Learn These Seven Secrets to getting better sleep.

Best wishes for better sleep and health,


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Acne Treatment Resources

Suffering from Acne or know someone who is?

Do you dislike having acne? Do you want to get rid of it?

I have compiled a list of resources that just might be useful to you in your quest to eliminate acne.

You never know when you will run across that one single scrap of information that will fill in the missing link for you?

And isn't life just like that? Trying to find that one peice of information that gives you a bigger picture?

Acne resource list

best wishes in your quest to conquer acne

Saturday, July 01, 2006

LASIK surgery

If you have ever seriously considered LASIK eye surgery, you may have been overwhelmed with information.

Try this straight forward page on LASIK Resources that lists the resources that I think may be most useful to you.

LASIK was something that I investigated and decided against. I did visit one of the top LASIK surgeons in the country. He uses a custom wavefront LASER which I think is important.

I wouldn't opt for any LASIK procedure that didn't include custom wavefront.

- Dave

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Toenail fungus and Athletes Foot

I recently created a little post and resource on my health, fitness and wellness blog about Toenail Fungus and Athletes Foot

Toenail fungus and athletes foot are just nasty and if you or someone you love has a case of it, you should head on over there and take a look at the information and resources provided.

Athlete's foot is an infection of either Epidermophyton or Trichophyton - two fungi.

Hope you don't have it. but I made the resource in case you do.

- Dave

PS. Herbal Remedies at a 20% discount until the end of June -

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Herbal Remedies and Horses

This is another short and quick one.

My sister lives in South Dakota. One time, she took my nephew with her to visit a local Indian at his home.

In his front yard, there was a horse in a fenced in area. My nephew noticed that the horse's leg was bleeding near the 'ankle' area.

Apparently the horse had cut himself on something, probably the fence.

My sister told the Indian gentleman about the problem.

He walked over to the horse, picked a nearby plant and rubbed on the horses wound and according to my sister, the bleeding stopped.

This may give us a clue as to the power of natural medicine.

To assist you with herbal supplementation, we are presenting to you this coupon for an ADDITIONAL 20% off any order at Native Remedies or Place any order with us by July 1, 2006 and receive an extra 20% off the entire order.

Thought you mike like that! (see disclaimer below)


Monday, June 19, 2006

Bilberry Story

While highly subjective, it is such a good and short story that I felt I should share it with you.

I ran into an older gentleman that looked pretty young for his age. He seemed to be full of energy and quite happy.

He happened to overhear a conversation I was having with a health food store clerk about bilberry and its alleged ability to help improve visual acuity, especially at night.

This older gentleman jumped right in and said that his brother who was in his seventies, threw away his reading glasses after using bilberry. He doesn't need reading glasses at his age!

That is exciting!

For a discount on an herbal supplement that contains Bilberry in it, use this link below:

To assist you with vision supplementation, we are presenting to you this coupon for an ADDITIONAL 20% off any order at Native Remedies or Place any order with us by July 1, 2006 and receive an extra 20% off the entire order.

20% off? I thought you might enjoy that!

- Dave
(see disclaimers below)

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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Is ADHD a Problem or Not?

Today I want to tell you about ADHD.

My opinion is that many times behaviors (especially in children) are diagnosed as ADD or ADHD. The reason for this is that it is easier for the teachers, the doctors and sometimes even the parents to deal with a child who displays subdued energy.

And I happen to believe that medicating a child who is displaying normal energy levels for his or her stage of development is NOT appropriate. But hey, that's me. And there are plenty of others out there who will disagree.

No one knows what the long term affects of some of these medications are.

Here is an alternative resource.

Here is another collection of ADHD resources

The above is for informational purposes only.
If you have a health concern be sure to check with your primary care physician for proper treatment and diganosis.

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Saturday, June 03, 2006


I've created a list of resources that have to do with blisters.

Blister types covered include those from herpes, poison oak, poison sumac, acne, cold sores, eczema and dermatitis.

Blisters can be annoying, painful and generally interfere with the quality of your life. You should check out this blister resource because you owe it to yourself to gather all the blister intelligence you can.

A life without blisters amounts to greater freedom. Seek the relief you are looking for.

This is for information only, if you have or think you have a health condition, including blisters, consult with your physician for proper diagnoses and treatment

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Medical Malpractice Resources

I've collected some great informational places to start if you have or suspect you might have a medical malpractice issue that needs to be addressed.

It's been titled, "List of Medical Malpractice Resources"

Now, I'm the last person to advise litigation. I think our society is far too litigation minded as it is. We need less legal nonsense to have a more productive society.

Of course, I know that few people are going to take this advice to heart when comes down to them personally.

But if you find yourself in a grey area, maybe it is better not to push it too much?

Having said all of that, I still created this resource because there are times when it may be necessary. Unfortunately, each person will need to make up their own mind as to where that point is.

Be careful of crafty lawyers out to make money. They have a way of getting the lion's share of settlements. I'm often amazed out how they get away with that.

Those class action suites are seemingly ridiculous a lot of times. YOu see the individuals get a few cents for the settlement, while the lawyer handling the suite gets millions or hundreds of thousands or whatever.

It's crazy. So don't fall victim to all of that.

On the resource page that I've mentioned above, you can also find a link that will get you to the various state boards who can investigate possible medical malpractice issues and they can also discipline the health care practitioner if warranted.

That might be a good first step if you think you have been a victim of medical malpractice.

Think things through and take your time. Don't hurt people irresponsibly. But if you have a legitimate complaint check the resource above for good starting points.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

LASIK eye surgery

Have you been thinking about LASIK eye serugery?

There is a lot of information to be aware of before choosing a doctor and a procedure.

Here is an article that might help inform you of some of the basics with a few tips that you might not have though about:

LASIK article

Having a surgery that changes your cornea is more serious than they make it sound - at least in my opinion.

The body is not a machine. The body is a living entity that has the ability to self heal. The eyes are amazing, at least far more amazing than the mechanistic model that allopathic medicine follows.

You owe it to yourself to gather all the information you can before having LASIK surgery done.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Health - Fitness -Wellness Blog at

This Health, fitness and wellness blog is jam packed with good information on health, fitness and wellness. Just go there now and use the search function to find what you are looking for.

You can find fitness articles there, as well as information relating to specific illnesses. And if for some reason you can't, try this page for health, fitness and wellness information

You can find information from Acne to Warts there.

There is also a page (yup, you guess it) on remedies.

- Enjoy - may you find your way to greater health and wellness

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Oral Health - Root Scaling and Planing - the latest rage?

A lot of people are being offered the Root Scaling and Planing treatment that is now all the rage among dentist and some periodontists.

My sister had it done and she said it made her gums worse.

A friend of a friend lost two teeth within a year of having it done.

It was offered to me by my dentist but I declined.

Shortly thereafter, I started using a hydrofloss

In my Unprofessional opinion, I believe it has improved the health
of my gums.

Check with your dentist if you are having any gum tissue or oral health
problems for proper diagnosis and treatment.

You might want to ask them about the hydrofloss. I use it. I like it. And I think it is keeping my gums healthy. Most people older than 30 have some form of gingivitis or periodontitis (gum disease). (at least that is what dentists will tell you)

Try this for a small collection of information on gingivitis resources and information

- good luck



Monday, May 22, 2006

Is there hope for hair loss?

Anyone who has struggled with hair loss definitely understands the frustration of watching a receding hairline continue backwards.

So far it seems that nothing definitive has been found for reversing hair loss. Theories abound. Many do not want the medical solution of hair transplants.

Some hair loss sufferers are always looking for the best and cutting edge information.

Here is an article for hair loss: Is There Hope for Hair Loss?

Read it.

Comment on it.

Share it with others if you wish.

It may not be a cure-all but it is one more piece of information that could help in the quest to reverse hair loss.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Get rid of Fat and make your muscles more tone and stronger

Have you ever seen anyone go on a crazy fad diet and be super motivated for a short period of time? They might actually get results. Eventually, the enthusiasm may wane and they go back to square one.

Short term fixes can work but probably won't work for the long term. For long term results, you need knowledge and understanding.

Isn't it scary to me a statisitic? You can succeed at weight loss. But not with gimmicks. Read this story to see if this person sounds familiar.

Fat and make your muscles more tone and stronger


Health, fitness and wellness site

All Things Pondered - a place where you can have your say and read what others have to say on almost any topic.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Are you suffering from Acne?

Hey there,

Are you suffering from acne? Or, even more
importantly, is someone you care about suffering
from it?

Acne can get in the way and complicate
keeping a person from enjoying the full
potential of their life.

Imagine the beauty of a face uncluttered by

To help people suffering from acne have more
choices, I have created this list of acne

You can also pass this on to others who might
be able to use it:

Acne Treatments and Resources

Friday, February 24, 2006

List of Alcohol Treatment Resources

List of resources for Alchohol rehabilitation including the following:

SLC Outpatient Treatment Center
Inpatient, outpatient, dual diagnosis, sober living, affordable treatment, family program and more. Get help today.

Rancho L'Abri
Drug and alcohol rehab center in San Deigo. We also provide medical detox services.

Stone Hawk Rehabilitation Center offers holistic residential alcohol and drug addiction rehab programs on beautiful St. Mary's Lake in Michigan. Over 70% of our graduates stay clean.

Addiction Treatment Referral Service
We can help you find the right alcohol rehabilitation program to get clean, and get on with your life. Call one of our caring counselors and get started on the road to recovery now.

Cliffside Residential Alcohol Rehab
Cliffside Malibu offers private residential alcohol rehab. We offer individual treatment plans and comfortable surroundings overlooking Malibu's beaches.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Articles on Pregnancy

The following Topics on Pregnancy and More

Pregnancy Symptoms, Signs and Symptoms of Being Pregnant Considered another one of the classic sign and symptoms of being pregnant, nausea and vomiting, (aka morning sickness) has become one of the most feared of all pregnancy symptoms. Feeling sick is a common complaint and is experienced by most women from weeks 5 to 6 of their pregnancy.

6 Reasons to Exercise During Pregnancy - Everyone knows that exercise is good for your health. Exercising during pregnancy can have additional benefits. Generally, exercise should be light, especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy while your body adjusts to the changes. Heavy exercise can divert blood flow from crucial areas and most women that exercise regularly should tone down their workouts during pregnancy. - More

Pregnancy and Exercise, How to Stay Fit While Being Pregnant Even though exercising during your pregnancy can be beneficial, there are certain risks involved that may be detrimental. Be sure to check in with your doctor or midwife to ensure that you are able to exercise during pregnancy. …..

Weight Loss After Pregnancy - Most women will lose anywhere from 10-14 pounds within the first 2 weeks of delivery. This weight may be attributed primarily to the loss of excess fluid in the body, the baby's weight, the placenta and amniotic fluid. Some women might lose a little bit less, and others might lose a little bit more.

Nutrition and Supplements - Glutathione for a Healthier Pregnancy Environmental and lifestyle factors are known to cause oxidative stress and lower glutathione levels - resulting in birth defects, abortion and miscarriages in pregnancy.

Weight Training During Pregnancy? - Women who weight train throughout their pregnancy benefit from less weight gain during pregnancy and return to their pre-pregnancy weight, strength, and flexibility levels faster than women who remain inactive or who only participate in cardio programs.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy - Choosing The Right Foods There are many things that you can do to improve your diet and ensure that you gain a minimal but healthy amount of weight during pregnancy. Choosing the right foods is important because you will be able to loose weight more quickly after delivery if you manage your diet during pregnancy.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Bleeding Gums and Overall Health Problems

Here is an article written by a dentist
entitled Can Bleeding Gums and Other Periodontal Diseases Kill You?

I have recently starting using this to help keep my gums healthy:

and this mouthwash as an adjunctive.

After reading the above article you can
see a connection between the health of your gums
your overall health. Here is to better gum tissue

- Dave