Thursday, June 08, 2006

Is ADHD a Problem or Not?

Today I want to tell you about ADHD.

My opinion is that many times behaviors (especially in children) are diagnosed as ADD or ADHD. The reason for this is that it is easier for the teachers, the doctors and sometimes even the parents to deal with a child who displays subdued energy.

And I happen to believe that medicating a child who is displaying normal energy levels for his or her stage of development is NOT appropriate. But hey, that's me. And there are plenty of others out there who will disagree.

No one knows what the long term affects of some of these medications are.

Here is an alternative resource.

Here is another collection of ADHD resources

The above is for informational purposes only.
If you have a health concern be sure to check with your primary care physician for proper treatment and diganosis.

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