Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Killing Gingivitis

Have you ever suffered from gingivitis or gum disease or know anyone who has?

Chances are, the answer to that question is, "yes".

The reason being that about 98% of the population is susceptable to gingivitis / gum disease.

Only 2% of people walking on the planet have a natural immunity to it.

If you are among those 2% of fortunate ones, then congratulations.

If you are like the rest of us - the 98% - head on over to

I struggled with gum disease, I didn't know I had it until some recession of the gums set in.

Find out what I did about it and what you too can do.

You can also sign up for free gingivitis/gum disease and
oral health updates here:



Sunday, February 18, 2007

Fascinating Article about the Power of Walking

You can definitely lose weight from walking, because walking is an aerobic activity.

Here is how it works: you deplete your short term glucose supply.

The body then switches to its fat reserves.

Burning fat is easy when you walk an hour or so per day. Of course you still need to watch what you eat, etc.

Actually if you need help losing weight, you need to talk to your doctor. He could prescribe a nutritional diet for you. He can also probably recommend the best exercise for your particular situation.

Weight bearing exercise in addition to walking (aerobic exercise) is very important.

If you lose weight without exercising your muscles, you won't get good results.

Here is the article on walking that I like so much.

Walking is a great form of exercise. Its gentle and easy to do.

Check with a doctor before adjusting yoru level of exercise.