Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Call to All Formerly Addicted People to Help Others

Please consider helping others by posting your true anonymous story about your experience with drug and / or alcohol addiction and abuse.

The purpose of submitting your story is to provide information, the story, to serve as inspiration and motivation. It is important for people to know what could happen to them, that they do have options and that someone else has gone through the same thing they are going through.

The stories can have a 'good' or 'bad' ending, but they must be true. Both kinds of stories can help a person by providing a kind of motivation.

This isn't just about helping drug or alcohol addicted person - which is a very noble deed to perform. But, it is also about providing insight and understanding to those who love a drug addicted person and want to help and be as supportive as they can. It is trying for them, some hope would go a long way!

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