Friday, December 07, 2007

Recent Health Related Posts......

Hi, everyone - this is an update to let you know some of what I have been up to lately:

Suffering from Allergies? - This post is all about a device that can be used to gently and pleasantly clean your nasal and sinus passages - as well as the back of your throat. It is a powerful device. When you think about all the dust, pollen and pollutants that are in the air we breathe, you begin to recognize just how much stuff our bodies have to filter out.

Sometimes the system of cilia or fine hairs in the nasal and sinus passages that usually push debris out can become overwhelmed. Perhaps a lot of phlegm and congestion results. Read about a device that can help in a gentle, forgiving way.

Xylitol for gum health - Looking for an additional and powerful item that you can use to help increase your oral health - including both teeth and gums? Check out xylitol and what it can do........

Celebrity Looks and Weight Loss - Guess which celebrity has been picked on for her look in a bathing suite lately......

Give the gift of Oral Health - Just in time for Christmas - And those receiving such a gift will be able to use it all year long and perhaps think of you as they watch their gums get healthier and more beautiful......

Want to Try a Fad Diet? - Better think again, the shocking truth about fad dieting revealed...

Holiday Snacking - It's that time of the year again and now it is time for us all to break out our sweet tooth and put it to good work. But, how can you make sure that you are getting needed oral care and doing the right things to make sure your teeth and gums stay healthy? Read all about it...

Regrowing Dental Bone - Is it really possible? Read the intriguing answer...

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