Wednesday, December 23, 2009

St. John's Wort - Works or Not?

This plant has been used to stabilize mood levels. Some people choose it over anti-depressant medication. In Europe, it is a bit more widely utilized. US government agencies refute or minimize the alleged anti-depressive qualities of this plant.

Serotonin is a chemical in the brain that this natural plant has an effect on to produce a balanced mood and possible feelings of well-being - This from research conducted by Shelton, R.C and others.

It is most widely used as a natural treatment for depression. Again, most frequently in Europe. Most notably, it finds particular favor in Germany. Hypericum is the scientific name of the plant species. It is also called Klamath weed as well as Tipton's weed.

Be forwarned that the National Center for Complementary and Alterntive Medicine, which is a division of the National Institute of Health feels from their testing that St. John's Wort has minimal or no effect when compared with a placebo during testing. At the same time, other researchers have concluded that it does have an effect beyond placebo.

You be the judge!

To find herbal remedies that contain St. John's Wort - visit

*this post is for information only. It does not intend to offer advice, diagnosis or treatment of any kind. If you have or think you might have a health problem, visit your doctor for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated statements about products on this site.

baby carriers

Friday, December 11, 2009

Cool information on Dental Health...

This is the story of an interesting call that I received.

I've been selling the Hydro Floss at the Toothy Grins Store for a few months and I receive a call from a man in Michigan. He just heard about the Hydro Floss from his dental hygienist a few days prior.

However, the REALLY interesting part is that this gentleman works in public health! He said he has two good friends that he went to college with. One is an oral surgeon and the other is a periodontist.

After he brought up the Hydro Floss to them. They both said they personally used it. I thought that was interesting and telling all by itself. But what he said next, really got me thinking.

He said that the oral surgeon also uses the Pocket Pal Jet Tips as a PREVENTIVE measure to protect her gum health!

So, I thought I would share that interesting tidbit because I think it reveals a new secret to using the hydro floss that many have not thought of.

David Snape
Author: What You Should Know about Gum Disease

Monday, December 07, 2009

Passion Flower may Soothe Frayed Nerves...

Passion Flower is believed to have phytochemicals (plant chemicals that can sooth Frayed nerves.

You can find good herbal products that contain passion flower here.

Sometimes a little chemical help is just that: help... If it is all natural, so much the better!

Disclaimer: This post is for information purposes only and does not intend to offer advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have or think you might have any type of health condition whatsoever, visit your doctor for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated statements about products in this post.

Sponser: Entrepreneur

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Home Ozone Generator

This is a pretty cool and interesting story about home ozone generation. This is actually something that is becoming more popular as people begin to learn the many high quality uses for ozone at home.

The USFDA has not evaluated statements about home ozone generators. Some state that they
could be dangerous. However, the levels that home ozone generators create appear to be safe
by all standards.

Yet, things could change. For now read this story about the home ozonator and enjoy.!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bad Breath and Gum Disease - Stop Them Cold...

These are my tips for better oral health.

The first and major area of concern is bad breath. Everyone fears bad breath and if you have ever experienced it on someone else, you know exactly why. Bad breath can harm your professional and social life.

What To Do About Bad Breath

Go to Therabreath and use coupon code a-per10 to get free shippnig and to save. Why These Products? It is a simple concept. They have a line of oxygenated mouthwashes, toothpastes, drops, gums and many other powerful products to conquer bad breath.

The reason this works is because the bacteria responsible for bad breath are anaerobic - they don't like oxygen. By applying oxygen to them, as you can do with these products, you either eliminate them or force them to revert to a form that uses oxygen. In either case you are eliminating the problem.

If you live outside the US, you may wish to experiment with special essential oils instead. Actually, even if you live in the US, you may still use them.
The essential oils are also worthwhile to use on another and more sinister oral health problem: Periodontal disease!

The Bigger Oral Health Problem

It is true that gingivitis is the biggest problem as this can cause tooth loss. In fact, gum disease is the number one reason that people lose their teeth. It is not cavities or any other reason. The number one problem with tooth loss is gum disease.

I'm pretty sure that you would prefer not to lose any teeth, or if you have that you don't want to lose any more.Implants and dentures both come with their own special problems.

Preserving our own natural teeth is important. The stop gum disease book of highest value in this area is What You Should Know about Gum Disease. This information source can be found on Amazon or any major book seller's website. The international book number is: 978-0981485508.

With these tips, you will have a stong competitive advantage in conquering dental health problems before they start to costing you huge amounts of money, time and pain. These tips can save you money and spare you from pain even if you are already spending a lot on treatments.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Therabreath - Is It Worth It?

Therabreath - Are They Worth It?

Therabreath Coupon Codes


This is a review of the Therabreath product line. I have personally used them and find them to be quite good.

The premise of the products is their potent oxygenated compounds. Oxygenated compounds have the power to eliminate the bacteria that cause bad breath, gum disease and other problems.

Many of the therabreath products come in various forms such as mouthwash, gum and toothpaste. I've used the Perio-Therapy mouthwash and toothpastes as well as the AktivOxigen Serum. Specifically, I like to put the AktivOxigen drops into my hydrofloss (an oral irrigator) before irrigating my teeth and gums.

This practice seems to have been very beneficial. This is, of course, a subjective observation, but still real to me.

There are multiple ways to utilize the therabreath products. Doctor Katz has researched bad breath and even has demonstrated on stage the power of his oxygenated mouthwashes. For example, he bit into an onion and tested his breath using a halimeter ( a device for dtermining the level of bad breath you have). This of course, prompted a very high reading on the halimeter.

Upon using his mouthwash on himself, he showed how the reading on the halimeter was drastically reduced when he retested his own breath.

You see, when it comes to bad breath, the bacteria that cause us problems do so because they release 'volatile sulfur compounds'. These sulfur containing chemicals are the cause of our bad breath. Reduce them or eliminate them and you may be able to kiss bad breath goodbye.

When it comes to gum disease or gingivitis, the problem is the anaerobic bacteria that secrete toxins onto and around our gums. When these bacteria are exposed to oxygen, they tend to die or stop reproducing. Either way is a win for you.

Check below for valuable coupons that can help you save when looking for Therabreath products. One of my favorite coupons is the one for the Hydro pulse sinus irrigator.

The USFDA has not evaluated statements about products in this article.

Procure the best Therabreath Coupons around! Begin saving today. David Snape is the author of: What You Should Know about Gum Disease. ISBN: ISBN: 978-0-9814855-0-8. You can get a Hydro Floss coupon code, a dr. katz ozonator coupon, Bad breath coupons, as well as an allergy sinus irrigator coupon.

Weight Loss - Is There an Easier Way?

Grab your $9 simple weight loss guide. Or alternatively, get the same weight loss information for free!

Weight Loss - Is There a Simple Way?
by David Snape

Have you found yourself wondering if there is a simpler way to lose weight? If you take a look at what's available out there, everything seems so complicated.

People have written entire books on weight loss. There are complicated diet plans and pills that you can purchase. Worst of all, there are plenty of 'clubs' you can join where you pay an expensive membership to have a 'personal' coach who weighs you frequently and tells you that you are not doing very well.

I think that it is kind of repulsive when I consider all of the weight loss schemes designed to take our money but not provide lasting results. Before you purchase any type of weight loss guide, pill or complicated diet scheme consider whether it is really the best option for you.

Any book or information source that claims to teach you about weight loss should be able to do the following:

1. Tell you in less than 15 pages everything you need to know about losing weight.

2. In that fifteen pages or less, it should explain everything to you in a very simple and straight forward manner.

3. There should be no need to buy a product over and over again. This is what they call a 'continuity' program in marketing jargon. It's great for enriching the product owner but if there was a magic pill that worked - everyone would know about it.

4. Your weight loss information source should be simple, simple and simple! It should be so easy that a sixth-grader could read it and follow the simple directions.

The sad fact is that perhaps one percent of one percent of all of the weight loss 'help' out there actually meets the above four criteria. Look for one that does. At the bottom of this article, in the author information box, you will find links that can lead you to something that will greatly improve the quality your achieving the goal of weight loss.

Grab your $9 simple weight loss guide. Or alternatively, get the same weight loss information for free! David Snape is the author of: Weight Loss: A Simple Plan for Losing Weight and Keeping it Off.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Therabreath Coupon Squidoo Lens...

There is a new squidoo lens on Therabreath Coupons . You should check it out because everyone likes to save money - especially when it is on purchases that you have to make over and over again.

The coupond listed at - are ones that you can save. (It is suggested that you write them down and use them over and over again - an that you share them with friends and family)

What is therabreath and why would you want a therabreath coupon code ? Well, thereabreath is a trusted name in fighting bad breath. Their line of breath care products come with the power of oxygen and that oxygen can be used to destroy the germs that cause bad breath, gingivitis, and other problems.

So check out the squidoo lens on therabreath coupons now.

HydroFloss Oral Irrigator Squidoo Lens

This is a new squidoo lens about the oral irrigator they call the Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator. There is nothing quite like the Hydro Floss and at this squidoo lens you can find out exactly why it is titled, "Yes, I Love My HydroFloss"!

This is definitely worth taking a gander at, it is complete with many RSS feeds and information about getting a coupon code for a Hydro Floss.

Check it out because saving money and taking care of your teeth are two of the coolest things you can possibly do!

Get yourself an hydro floss today. And while you are at it - go get yourself a copy of the book: What You Should Know about Gum Disease.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Gum Disease ' Gingivitis ' Dental Care articles

Here are some interesting articles on gum disease Gingivitis periodontal disease dental care etc.

The list currently includes these titles:

Gingivitis Treatment - Can You Really Do Anything about Gingivitis? So, the question is, can you do anything about gingivitis and gum disease? Some people don't know the answer to this. It may surprise you...

Gum Health - Two Important Parts to Maintaining Your Gum Tissue Health - There are two important parts to helping to maintain your dental health. Do you know what they are?
If you don't, go read this article now to see what you may have been missing....

Dentist: Is Your Dentist Taking Good Care of You? - Ah, this is an excellent question. How do you know if your dentists is looking out for you or raking you over the coals? Do you care? Maybe you should? Even if you have insurance, how much needless pain and lost time has dental treatments cost you? Read this fascinating article!

Gingivitis May Necessitate Painful Treatments. Avoid Losing Your Teeth! Can you really keep your teeth for a lifetime? Why or why not? Why do you think they way you do on this subject? Learn as much as you can now...

The HydroFloss Oral Irrigator - Is It Worth The Price? Many people know that oral irrigation is very helpful in maintaining dental health. But, do you know why the Hydro Floss may be the best choice for an oral irrigation system?

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Vision Improvement

Vision Improvement Review

Many people have been wondering if it is indeed possible to improve your vision through a combination of eye exercise and relaxation techniques.

There are those who claim that this is very well possible and that they have done it.

I myself have achieved limited success with my very limited attempts at making it work. Unfortunately, because consistence is the key, I have lost out on this as well. It's kind of a bummer. If I want the results I have to do the work. Sorry, no free rides. Possible: Yes. Easy, perhaps not so easy

Click Here to Read More About Vision Improvement