Tuesday, August 15, 2006

ADHD and Attention Deficit Disorders

just updated a page on ADD and ADHD.

There are now more articles on ADHD than before.

Some of the subjects addressed are:

What is ADHD?

Nutrition and ADD/ADHD

ADD ADHD Herbal Remedy

Treating ADD and ADHD Naturally

ADD and ADHD in Children

ADHD the Easy Way!

Over The Counter Treatments For ADHD

Attention Deficit Disorder: Know The Facts

ADHD In Adults

Myths About Adult ADHD

School And A Child With ADHD

Learning Disabilities Associated With ADHD

Primary Symptoms Of ADHD

ADHD With Hyperactivity

Age When ADHD Is Diagnosed

And many more.... just visit the page on ADHD and ADD

Monday, August 14, 2006

Herpes Forum

Do you or does someone you know suffer from herpes?

You can bet that there are plenty of people out there who do.

As heartbreaking as it may sound, there are even very young
people who contract herpes after their very first sexual

The discussion forum for herpes is now open. Post
your thoughts there or read what others have written.

You can also check the article directory for articles on herpes.

- Dave