Zimbabwean Health Care System Breaking Down VOA - says most people in need of medical treatment are resorting to herbal remedies purchased in informal marketplaces
EU and India to fight terrorism and push trade eircom net - products in textiles, electronics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies and steel sectors face such actions
Having your revolution and your tea, too Abilene Reporter - By MAUREEN GILMERSeptember 4, 2005It's the last legal high for drinkers of any age. Caffeine, whether it comes from tea, coffee, colas or a host of herbal remedies, is a powerful stimulant.
Some herbal cures 'harmful' Trinidad Express - that offer surefire remedies for almost every ailment, through 'natural cures' and herbal products, are under fire the standard and quality of herbal products for the past ten years
China Health Holding Launches King of Herbs Product Lines Business Wire via Yahoo! - Medicine-based enhanced natural medicinal herbal supplement products, announced today the launch proprietary innovative enhanced natural herbal remedies and is protected by China